LBX uses Yugioh's art style similar to . It's not a dark shock factor anime like that was, but is more of a thriller with Kubrickian relevations.
Naive kid characters that don't know a world of war they're in.
Cool characters working for the government, Actually a bit sinister than they're
Then again, they actually participate unlike the likely viewer.
It's sort of like Neon Genesis Evangelion except more kid friendly.
It's a Transformers-ish war, with Gundam toy model product placements being treated as Pokemon. Maybe even beneath as they're never really truly treated like characters. And should they be? Is it no different than naming your gun?
Also, they're crazy (bio and) weapons being developed behind the scenes.
It's not a really heavy show, but the little details are really appreciable. Great voice acting, a heck of a creator, and good production all around.
It's unique and should be given a look.
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