All superhero shows feature mainly fighting, right wing characters, as do many dramas, with characters at the bottom of the barrel.
In episode 21, the theme of love was introduced to the show.
It's not the love of
FlamenBlack's love for his grandpa
FlamenGreen's love for his sister
FlamenPink and Lady Axe's love for Red Axe.
Mari for Hazama
Red Axe for Hazama
Goto for Hazama
I thought it'd be the fans' love for Hazama.
It'll be love vs war.
Pure, NAKED love!
As seen in the 18th episode, after Samurai Flamenco defeats a super giant space alien.
In later goes into a bit more in the finale, albeit to probably the most mixed result from me in the series.
However, that's also that I didn't take into account that I had misinterpreted the meaning of the second theme song, which had to do with Ai (love), not Ay-yai-yai, or eyes, a very clever misdirection for American fans. (The confusion also isn't helped when a woman throws baseballs during the music video.)
Believing in love is the salvation.
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