(Golden Knight) Garo, (not to be mistaken with SNK's fighting video game, Garou: Mark of Wolves) is a Japanese special effects show also known as tokusatsu, with very dark yet marketable Ancient European armored beings depicted to defeat monsters known as Horrors. Horrors are a perfect name for them as they are straight out of the television genre's shows, in both Western and Eastern culture.
However, there are notable differences in the presentation.
Garo toku pays homage to film- silent and (Japanese) New Wave, paying great respect to Lugosi, and the works of Kaneto Shindo, especially with the black and white.
Garo anime pays homage to animation, using bright colors to take advantage of the medium, with opening credits as surreal as Space Dandy, to Horrors as gruesome in homage to Bleach.
Both aren't afraid to show nudity in their medium, something Japanese creators are great at depicting.
Key aspects of film have to do with unlocking the mysteries of Garo.
In (Golden Knight) Garo, it is done through visual images and clues, whereas again in the anime, in a bit of a lazy uncinematic way, everything is done in dialogue. There's images too, but nothing that surreal or psychadelic enough that I figure there'd be a great payoff for, such as the sexual subtext of the works of H.R.Giger in Alien.
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