Sunday, November 24, 2013

Inu Yasha Character Analysis: Episodes 11-12

Episode 11: The Noh Mask/Nou-men shows how Kagome is a part of the feudal era whether she is in on the other side of the well or not as the Noh masks attempts to take away her shards of the Shikon no Tama. It also shows how safe she is on this side of the well anyway and can better benefit against the evil seeking the Shikon No Tama when she's with Inu Yasha. It also hints more and more of Inu Yasha's feelings and real personality- why people like Inu Yasha is in what's every part of this episode- actually the last 5. lol. Reminds me of the soup that formed Kodoku in Episode 32.

Episode 12: The girl who mourns over her own death is similar to how Kikyo is mourning over how Inu Yasha "betrayed" her though it was not in actuality his fault. Her blind rage is uncontrollable and risks the lives of many other people as she attempts to kill others with fires and other unfortunate accidents. However, she can not stop herself by being consumed by hell without the help of Kagome (or in Kikyo's case, her soul), which saves her from hell.

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